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Welcome from the Executive Head Teacher

Welcome from the Executive Head Teacher - Gerard Brown

We offer a warm and welcome to you and your child and thank you for showing an interest in our Academy. We hope that you will find the information on this website useful.

At Tudor we are proud of the education we offer the children. We believe strongly that a great education is one of the most precious gifts a child can receive. Therefore our staff work tirelessly to provide a quality education for all the children of our Academy and we pride ourselves on the standard of teaching that children here receive.

Underpinning all that we do is a belief that every moment a child is in school must be used effectively therefore all our structures throughout the day are designed with this focus in mind.

We aim to make our children’s learning experienced varied and inclusive with our children being able to access a curriculum which is broad in range and has a depth in knowledge. Learning within the classroom is complemented by a wide range of trips, experiences and workshops which we believe to be important in ensuring that all children have the opportunity to deepen their learning through these opportunities.

Nurturing a developing passion for a particular aspect of the curriculum - from Art to Music to Sport to literature - plays an important role in the life of the Academy and therefore we aim to have a range of after school clubs throughout the weeks and terms and aim to provide the children with opportunities to participate in sports fixtures and festivals throughout the year.

We are very proud of our school and would love to show you around and let you see for yourselves our school in action. Please contact the school office office@tudoracademy.org to arrange an appointment.

We look forward to welcoming you to our school

Gerard Brown
Executive Head Teacher

Celebrating success

75% National (2023)
Multiplication Check
out of 25
20.4 National (2023)
Key Stage 2
73% National (2023)
73% National (2023)
71% National (2023)
59% National (2023)
Ofsted Rating
Our students live the STEP values

Our values in action

Our students live the STEP values

Passion - Urgency - Positivity - Aspiration - Commitment to Anti-Racism